quarta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2012

Tipografia e Typophoto

'Typography is a tool of communication' 
'Typophoto is the visually most exact rendering of communication'

Lászlo Moholy-Nagy é um dos muitos autores que reflecte sobre as questões tipográficas, mais propriamente sobre a The New Typography, considerando a tipografia uma ferramenta de comunicação, cuja prioridade é ser clara e legível.
Mas também reflecte sobre a fotografia e o seu papel enquanto imagem: “What the Egyptians started in their inexact hieroglyphs, whose interpretation rested on tradition and personal imagination, has become the most precise expression through the inclusion of photography into the typographic method.
…It is safe to predict that this increasing documentation through photography will lead in the near future to a replacement of literature by film. The indications of this development are apparent already in the increased use of the telephone, which makes letterwriting obsolete. It is no valid objection that the production of films demands too intricate and costly an apparatus. Soon, the making of a film will be as simple and available as now printing books.
…the new typography is a simultaneous experience of vision and communication.”

É neste contexto que surge o seu texto Typophoto, em 1925. O conceito de “typophoto” anda há volta da ideia da conjunção de tipografia e imagens fotográficas, em algo mais do que um livro ilustrado.
“What is typophoto?
Typography is communication composed in type.
Photography is the visual presentation of what can be optically apprehended.
Typophoto is the visually most exact rendering of communication.”

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